Sunday, June 28, 2009

Heartbreak Hotel

I think I visited there once
and am still feeling the

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Time waits for no one.

God waited for me to
be myself.

Here I am.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bound Feet

I have bound feet today.
I walked ten miles
to watch children
again- play
handball and call
me friend.

Morning Glory

Morning Glory
crawling up
the walls
of life.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


A butterfly, lost, now found.

The species was introduced to a time
and place where it can live.

Careful instruction given to it,
as to how to survive.

Will it live or fly,
or possibly die?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Fairy Tale

I had a real witch for a step-mother.

Does that make me a fairy tale princess or queen?

I think a spell was cast upon me and I slept for
ten years.

Does that make me Sleeping Beauty with hair not so fair?

How does the world of kingdoms will last for eternity
translate into now?

Does Heaven's Kingdom with a King of Eternal love
to bow,

accept me as His own?


Saturday, May 2, 2009


Not the Middle East,
not Harlem,
or the scary truths inside
of me.

Peace like renewal
of space and time.

Making others to
receive my moment in time.

Aunty Cinnamon

They compared my skin to theirs.
They are Chinese and I am Mexican,
but our skin was both brown.

Maybe the Filipino brought out the sun
in their heritage?

Maybe the fields of rice, worked in
China came down
and kissed them on the cheek.

I tried to stay white,
influenced by years or
summers seeing field workers
burnt in the lettuce fields of
Salinas and Monterey.

I did not want to be Mexican then,
chose the light-skinned Spanish description
of my forefathers.

The one my abuelita aspired to though
darker than I.

Mestizo heritage has duality,
choices of where to conform.

I was burned in Texas,

sunburned with those who cross the
border for a new life.

Now I add layers of brown,
until tan lines define me
who I am,
as the Aunty Cinnamon
foretold by the little
girls who compared my
skin to theirs so
long ago.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I thought saints were made of glory and angels.
They are with a touch of torture, spiritual
and physical. Testings, trials, sufferings,
and the joy of a child's smile.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


My father in Heaven loves me.
I try to honor him and his
son with all I do.


My dad rescued me.
He came and let me be

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Nations sing
of your glory.

Tell of your
marvelous works.

For the ages
tell your story.

There are many
languages and faces
reflecting His.

Our job is to honor
and respect each one

and help them to
be the best

as the future honors
those who say
the greatest and the
least are equal

this way.


Ages present
past swirl into eternal light.

God has redeemed the wonder
of both day and night.

God's light is
coming soon,
the Bible
speaks of doom
but Hope is
possible, too
if we change
our ways

humble our face
before the Lord
of grace,

He will rescue us.
Jesus in the mix,
letting us in,
on the final
reign of His-
yet to come.

Friday, February 27, 2009


I see people of God's kingdom
as His precious gems.

He is the one who carries

I tried to keep them safe
for a time,
and then I gave them
back to Him.

He gave me what was mine.


A blue flame burning
in the night.

Like a Bunsen burner
giving light.

Not the white or yellow
flame for which to fight.

The core of being
the brightest, bright.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I want to be married,
have children, too.

I think it is the right
season for me and you.

I stand everyday for
His promises to
come true.

A prayer rises
to my Father
and some day

He may answer me
with you.

Monday, February 16, 2009


My mom had a dream that I would
finish college.
I pray it comes true.

I had a dream of motherhood.
I am unsure about that, too.

Dreams seem like ice castles
washed away by the sea.

Hope seems so tangible
of dreams yet to be.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


not in deference,
but in truth.


Crushed into
mortar powder
ready to begin

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Burning bright into the night,
flames of love surround me.

Happened that, the love
of light, kindled same
inside of me.

Jesus lives,
the direction is
the same.

in His great,
and mighty name.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Great Books

My dad had a perfect set,
a full set I inherited.

I thought for awhile I did
not like the philosophy of men.

I decided to give the set away
to a person who did.

I read about a congressman
who valued the set of
those who had gone before,

Locke and Hobbes, Rousseau,
and the men who formed the door.

I decided to reflect on them,
these men of long ago.

Maybe write a book on the thoughts
of those who wanted us to know,
they live on in me and you.

I then wrote a poem of Milton
and studied the works
of Lord Byron, himself stating,
Beauty walking in the night.

I bought a set, imperfect,

The books long forgotten,
have now become my own.

copyright 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009


Baby Africa.

Do your long necks
see the future?

Peer into
the destiny

of your

Copyright 2009


Are you brilliant
in your glory?

Am I content
not to shine?

Do the Ladies
of your species

raise the young
and also hide?

Copyright 2009