Sunday, March 30, 2008


Do dreams begin or end our lives?
Dreams of motherhood, marriage, or even death-
do they start us into a new realm?
Do they really exist?

I still think Prince Charming comes,
sometimes as a frog, sometimes seated
on a white horse.

Just believe. They told me that since
I was a child. I tell that to other girls,
who waltz on imaginary ballroom floors
in their carpeted living rooms.

Do you want to dance with me?-they ask
as I take the roll of Prince for them
in their make-believe ball.

I tinge of sadness, but also a flicker
of hope dances in the air.

1,2,3 and 1,2,3,-
we dance around the room.
Do fairy tales really exist?
I'm not sure.

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