Monday, August 11, 2008

St. Nicholas

You came bearing gifts,
not the clearance kind,
bought after Christmas
at a five-and-dime.

You bore costly treasures,
like the wise men
who are still seeking Him.

Each heart of a child
given to the one
who made them perfect.

Angels in heaven proclaimed Jesus'
name, as each one accepted Jesus
as Lord.

Why doubt that the dove awaits
your return to the promised

As angels feed
you with Ravens who guide
you along the path of delight.

Your family has seen
miracles, sorrow turned
to sight...
changing water into wine.

May each mortal who walks
this earth,
now know value in the friendship
of the King of each child's berth.

New wine given at this time
to come.

Christ the Lord is risen today!
Laura awaits you to sing
a happy way...taste and see
the goodness of the Lord.

His eyes go to and fro to
find faithful hearts among those
who follow.

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