Thursday, September 4, 2008

La Traviata

My grandma passed on September 2nd, 2008 surrounded by her children and grandchildren. I loved her much and wrote this poem for her.

My grandmother, Laura Perez Arce de Aram passed on tonight. I wanted to share a poem in her honor.


Verdi's fame eclipsed that of his predecessors.
He wrote of his long "years in the galley" to the Countess.
He remembered days of growing up in Milan.
You remembered Mexico, Paris, and the "Deep Purple" song.
Like Verdi, "How many dear and sad memories" followed you.
May the crucible of our loneliness kill us too.
In order to be re-born as a poetess, philanthropist, or political activist.
Making our mark for the world to see.
Now you are truly set free.
I love you.

2 de septiembre de 2008


enrique renaldo said...

nietsche in thus spake zarathustra speaks of the loneliness of the light givers, they are not in shadow, so they can not feel the light upon them. that is the root of faith, to depend on him without sensual proof that he is touching you. she embodied all the contradictions of mexico, but she resolved them through jesus the christ.

Gisella Perezarce said...

I totally agree.